Safetynet Talent Management system is your launchpad to excellence in public health.

Discover talents, elevate your skills, and stay updated with the latest events.

Enrolling As A Talent

Step 1

Contact Safetynet administrator to get an invitation link, then use the link to enter your details and register

Step 2

Enter your profile details in order to complete the registration process

Step 3

Once logged in, you may enroll in a course to get started

Step 1

Contact Safetynet administrator to get an invitation link, then use the link to enter your details and register

Step 2

Enter your profile details in order to complete the registration process

Step 3

Once logged in, you may enroll in a course to get started

Our Courses

Our talents will be equipped with rich curated courses by industry pros, enabling them to tackle real-world challenges effectively

FETP Frontline
FETP Intermediate

Unleash the potential of your recruitment strategy

Find, nurture, and recruit the best in field epidemiology to drive impactful change with Safetynet